Sunday, October 19, 2008


well what do i think of the mighty Oscar?for starters i think he looks pretty good, don't you all think take on this story is i believe people are making a total fuzz out of nothing, why all the drama for only oscar is trying to seize that he who is dying is at peace. Oscar is a God sent angelto look after God's creation so let's all not hate on him.Our planet could use a lot of cats like Oscar, who ever knew that one day a cat could predict when a person is going to die.This is a sign that God is there and has power over everything.In a nut shell i believe Oscar is doing those people good by arleting them when their loved oneis about to pass on to the other eternal life, who in the world would'nt want to know when he/she is going to die? so let's be real people.

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